Please join us for our Bristol Rotary Club BINGO NIGHT
Thursday, February 27, 2025...
To purchase or reserve tickets contact the members listed below

Welcome to Bristol Rotary! Rotary is a global community of more than 1.2 million men and women dedicated to building a better world. Founded in 1929, the Rotary Club of Bristol is a fellowship and service organization of over 50 men and women dedicated to the Rotary motto of Service Above Self. Our club has made many large and small contributions to the welfare of this community and to communities throughout the world. Through the Rotary community, you can exchange ideas and build lifelong friendships with like-minded people. If you have a sincere interest in making a positive contribution to your community, we’re interested in meeting you. Email our President or Secretary to learn how you can become a Bristol Rotarian.We meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 12:15 P.M. at
The DeWolf Tavern Restaurant 259 Thames Street
Bristol, RI 02809 |
On September 18, our Speaker was Joanne Quinn, the Executive Director of The Autism Project, who’s primary function is to provide information, education and support to parents, education professionals, and now the workforce on how to successfully engage with individuals with an autism spectrum disorder. Bristol Rotary has been a consistent supporter of The Autism Project as they work to improve the lives of autistic people. Autism now affects 1 in 35 births in this country, with no known cause, and whose impact is accelerating world-wide.
On September 18, Charles "Chuck" MacDonough was sworn in as the newest member of our Rotary club. Chuck works at George Mason University - RPRC in Research and Development. He is an active member of the Bristol Fourth of July Committee for over 15 years and served as their past Chair and Vice Chair. He also serves on the Capital Project Commission and is a regular moderator at the polls. He will be an excellent addition to our club and brings many talents, skills and is a "tech guy", whose experience that will enhance our club's efforts. He resides in Bristol. Maria Cesario is his sponsor.Below: Chuck is on the left; Maria is next to Chuck; and President Mary Jo Tavares is in the foreground.